Antalya, Turkey | 25-27 March 2024
Distinguished Directors and Esteemed Participants,
As the Secretariat of BİLMUN 2024 Model United Nations it is a great honour for us to invite you all to our fifth JMUN-MUN conference, BİLMUN'24 , which will be held between the 25th -27th of March. Considering the ongoing change in our world, we will hold our conference this year with the theme of “Combating Racism and Racial Prejudice”.
As BİL College, we aim to provide a platform where you can discuss current issues in the world agenda, boost your self-confidence, make new friends and socialize.
Our world is constantly shifting between societal norms and forward-thinking, progressive ideas. This current generation will unintentionally have a major impact on these changes. Therefore, we believe JMUN or MUN is an opportunity to explore different perspectives on change and the range of ideas that cover this broad and broad topic. In the committees based around our theme, we encourage dedicated students to debate and cooperate in order to come up with productive solutions and also have enjoyable experiences. We believe that this theme is suitable for this year's BİLMUN'24, heralding change for the better, with our responsibility towards the future.
We would be more than happy to see you in BİLMUN'24 conference in March, in Antalya.
Best Regards,
BİLMUN'24 Organization Team

Historical United Nations General Assembly - (HUNGA)
Agenda Item: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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United Nations Human Rights Council - (UNHRC)
Agenda Item: Annual Framework Study on Freedom from Racial Discrimination
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Council of European Union
Agenda Item: Responsibility of European Union in Mediterranean Refugee Crisis
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Applications are taken via Foreign Languages Department of your school.
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[email protected].tr anytime.